Haih bro...take it or leave it.
Love is a fucking complicated thing.
We want it to be a 2 way thingy.
Efforts are thrown, but then get nth..
The most worst fucking thing is they take it for granted.
Take this as a last chance.
If she is willing to take a step backwards for you, then take it, continue with it.
If things still goes fucking stubborn n selfish, just end it.
Selfishness can't ever be tolerated in a relationship.
Things work out in 2 ways, not in single way.
Even if you can rescue it today, tmr will be the same.
Fucking shits will keep on repeat until she gets matured.
Yeah, don't be childish, we just want it to last.
Don't just fuckin implement your childishness n selfishness in the relationship.
It'll just burst out.
Girls, be mature.
You are goin to blow it like this and just regret in the future.
It means nth.
So, if you continue to be immature, just fark off and leave us alone.
We won't die without you.
It is just that we care.
Friends are forever, girls are as long as you are together.