Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Wow, someone’s celebrating their 5 years anniversary.
Congratulations I would say. 
It is definitely not easy to maintain a relationship for that long.
Many couples could not make it.
Facing a same person for years, in a young age, in a tempting world, is not easy.
For teenagers, it is hard to resist the fresh new world out there, lotsa different things, lotsa funs.
I’m not, bcoz I see myself as a young adult, not a teenager anymore, lol.
Is it good to think and act maturely at this age?
Might be good, might be not.
When a mature dude falls in love with an immature girl, what do you get?
A tragic ending.
Time flies, 8 months has past.
Unbelievable, it is just like yesterday.
Still dwelling on the past maybe?
But now, things weren’t the same.
Nothing comes out right.
Be it.
The sky will turn bright, because the sun will still rise.
Wait for the dawn.

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